Sunday, July 29, 2007

40th Asean Ministerial Meeting~

As what had been reported from the New Strait Times, dated 26th July 2007, reported by Wan Hamidi Hamid, Asean Ministerial Meeting is going to be held on Monday (30th July 2007) and Tuesday (31st July 2007) at the Phillipine International Convention Centre (PICC). The AMM is the important event that would see the endorsement of the final draft of the ASEAN Charter, some sort of an ASEAN Constitution which is guide the ten members countries.
Other than that, this event is so important for the Phillipine government and the citizen as ti widen and promote country's hospitality. Moreover, this event can promote Phillipine as a place to ensure peace and security and which can give back a good impression to the honourable guests from different countries which will be come the country.
Ambasaddor Marciano Jr, the event's secretary general told a press conference at PICC that the official meetings would be off limits to the press, saying that journalists would only be allowed to cover the ministerial level meetings from Monday.
For this event, Malaysian delegation will be leading by the Foreign Affairs Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar. ASEAN's ten dialogue partners are the United States of America, Russia, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, China, Canada and European Union. US delegation will be presented by Deputy Secretary of State, John Negroponte.

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